Friday, 1 June 2007

Vilnius, our capital


The Capital of Lithuania

This post is about my country`s capital - Vilnius. I will show you some fotos.
First just look where Vilnius is.

I like Vilnius old city, everybody does. The old city below

Gedeminas tower:

This is Vilnius center:
The famous Cathedral. There we always have a lot of celebrations. .

These the old city`s streets:

This is the famous St. Ona church. Napaleon wanted to steal this church and rebuild it in Paris.

Okey , let's look to modern Vilnius.
This is Modern Vilnius.

These are “Europa” building,
Vilnius Tower at Christmas time
(Some people say that they like this building very much),
modern Vilnius from the other side of Neris river.

Juozas90_lt Lithuania, Marijampolė


Anonymous said...

Most my family are living in Lithuania

Anonymous said...

Very good post...